Master Colour Oil 5L

Master Colour Oil 5L Natural
Master Colour Oil 5L White


Master Floor Oil 5L

Basic treatment of raw wood
or as aftercare on already pre-oiled parquet.

Can be used for the manual and mechanical treatment of parquet floors.
Woca Master Oil is used for the basic treatment of untreated wood as well as the final care of already oiled parquet floors. It can be used for both manual and mechanical wood treatment.

For light wood types, such as maple, ash or unsteamed beech, the yellowing-inhibiting Woca Master Oil "white" is used. Darker wood types such as cherry, walnut, smoked oak or steamed beech require the wood floor oil "natural", which emphasises the structure and colour of the wood.

Can be used on all wooden floors
Suitable for large floor areas
Manual and machine application
Suitable for children's toys
Biologically recommended for living
VOC free
Yield: 10-12m²/l depending on wood type

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