Softwood Lye

Softwood Lye  2.5L
Product No.: WS1500225A
inclusive of VAT


WOCA Softwood Lye 2.5 Liter - Minimizes yellowing of softwood

Softwood Lye is used for priming of unfinished or newly sanded interior woodwork such as floors, stairs, furniture, and panels. The priming minimises the natural yellowing process of the wood and enhances the natural grain of the wood, producing a white wash finish. Softwood Lye may be used for all types of softwood such as pine, spruce, and pitch-pine. Used on larch wood, an antique grey/brownish finish is created. Softwood Lye may not be used on hardwood. The final colour is achieved after 1-2 months.

  • Preserves the light colours of the wood 
  • Requires after-treatment with oil or soap 
  • Only for softwood

  • Contains white pigments

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