Dissout les salissures tenaces, dégraisse et ouvre le bois. Convient aux surfaces brutes, huilées, cirées, vernies et savonnées. Traitement ultérieur avec l'huile d'entretien, l'huile pour planchers en bois ou l'huile Diamond, etc.
Basic cleaning and degreasing
High yield
Suitable for children's toys
Biologically recommended for living
Yield: 200-300 m²/l, depending on the surface
Untreated, leached or oiled surfaces
1. 125 ml. Intensive Cleaner with 2.5 l warm water.
2. wash with the intensive cleaner as usual and let the mixture act for 5 minutes, then wipe with clean water.
Alternatively, use a polishing pad or machine and remove the excess intensive cleaner with a cloth or mop.
Repeat cleaning if necessary in case of heavy soiling.
Before subsequent treatments, allow the surface to dry completely.
Intensive Cleaner leaves oiled and waxed surfaces degreased, and these should be treated with soap or oil afterwards.
Painted surfaces
1. 125 ml. Mix Intensive Cleaner with 5 l. of warm water.
2. wash with the intensive cleaner as usual. Mop or cloth must be wrung out vigorously so that the surface is not left wet.
The intensive cleaner spray is ready to use.
Lacquered surfaces should be refreshed with WOCA Vinyl Laminate and Lacquer Care.